Use our free online tools and benefit from selected services.

Global C-Sink Tool
Enables transparent and public representation of validated and retired carbon sinks using blockchain technology, setting new standards in transparency. This allows us to ensure that our customers have full confidence and security when purchasing carbon sinks from our partners.

Global C-Sink Registry
Here you can find our ICROA endorsed registry, listing all projects and carbon sinks with a complete Project Design Document (PDD) and full public documentation.

Global C-Sink Transition Registry
Here you can find our registry, which lists all projects and carbon sinks currently in the transition phase.

Methane Calculation Tool
The Calculation Tool allows you to calculate the Global Warming Effect of Methane emissions and the required C-sinks for their compensation. You can calculate how much of a semi-persistent fraction of a biochar C-sink or how many trees of a certain species are needed to balance the climate effect of methane emissions

Biochar Tool
Manage your entire biochar production in our new Biochar Tool. This includes production facilities, production batches, sampling and results, production volumes and communication with experts.
As a system provider, you manage your certified systems online. This will make data collection much easier for biochar producers, your systems can be selected directly online.
The new biochar tool will replace the EBC-Portal, which has been in use for several years and now needs to be replaced.

World-Climate Farm Tool
Use our World-Climate Farm Tool to calculate your carbon footprint and produce reports on your farm’s climate performance.