Production of biochar
Industrial production of biochar goes far beyond the borders of Europe and so should quality standards. The World Biochar Certificate (WBC) guidelines were developed based on the EBC guidelines and therefore still include the strict quality requirements that are scientifically based. However, requirements based on European legislation, found in the EBC guidelines, are not present in the WBC guidelines.
By producing biochar according to the WBC guidelines, the procurement and use of ecologically sustainable biomass are ensured, as well as a carbon-positive production that complies with national emission regulations. The quality of the biochar is assessed at least annually. Three classes of biochar are available in the WBC standard: Premium, Agro and Material.
Benefits to biochar producers and end-users
Biochar quality and production methods vary greatly and not all are considered sustainable or even safe in terms of heavy metals or other contaminants. Growing numbers of customers around the world are looking for assurances that the biochar they are purchasing meets safety and sustainability criteria. WBC certified biochars can provide these quality guarantees for customers looking to use biochar in agriculture and in composite materials.
Here you will find the current version of our standard:
Related documents:

Customers are certified with the Word Biochar Certificate.
The current certificates for all businesses can be viewed here.
Registration Process
After an initial call with one of Carbon Standards‘ team members (which can be scheduled here), the next step is to register your interest in beginning the certification process.
Certification process
The Certification Process involves a Technical Pre-Audit of the biochar production company including material process flows and emissions, a review of the pyrolysis technology and the resulting biochar as well as a review of the production company’s sampling plan. Following a successful pre-audit, companies may register their first-year production batch. A third-party on-site inspection is the final step in the certification process. Once all steps have been successfully completed, the sale of WBC-certified biochar can begin.

* By inspection and certification partner
** Analyzed by – Endorsed laboratory
Technical Pre-Audit
In the technical pre-audit, Carbon Standards will review the pyrolysis technology against the specifications in the guidelines and, if necessary, offer advice on improving the biochar production process. Carbon Standards also checks whether the WBC guidelines for the sustainable production of biochar have been thoroughly understood by the biochar producer with all necessary processes in place to implement them.
Representative Sample
Producers must take a representative sample for each batch and have it tested in an endorsed laboratory.
On-going Production
Biochar production batches are valid and certified for up to one year. Producers will be required to register new production batches of biochar made from the same feedstock and processing parameters annually. Each new batch will require new biochar samples to be analyzed before they can be certified. New batches will also be required when new feedstocks or feedstock mixes or new processing parameters (e.g. heating temperatures) are utilized.
An on-site inspection is carried out every year.

* By inspection and certification partner
** Analyzed by – Endorsed laboratory
This document explains how producers initiate new production batches using Carbon Standard’s Biochar Tool (and for legacy clients the EBC Tool).
All endorsed laboratories and subcontractors take part in an independent biochar ring trial every year, which is organized and evaluated by DCC Delta Coal Control. Our goal is to set up an international network of laboratories for biochar analysis that work using the same analysis methods and regularly take part in the biochar ring trial testing to ensure accurate and consistent results across all endorsed facilities.
For testing laboratories interested in becoming endorsed by Carbon Standards, please review the following documents:
This document outlines the steps required to participate in a 3rd party controlled ring trial to become an endorsed laboratory for certifying biochar under the EBC/WBC standards.
This document should be used to request biochar reference samples (#1017) to begin the ring trial process. (Note: Dates on the form are related to the annual testing period.) New labs will be sent reference materials upon request and payment of the invoice.
A list of currently endorsed laboratories can be found below.

Eurofins Oekometric GmbH
Bernecker Strasse
D-95448 Bayreuth
Tel: +49 921 72633 - 0
E-mail: rottler(at)oekometric.de

Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH
Freiberg Branch
Freiberg East industrial estate
Lindenstraße 11
D-09627 Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf
Phone: +49 3731 2076 - 500
Mobile: +49 172 9224436
E-mail: info_freiberg(at)eurofins.de

mas | münster analytical solutions gmbh
Technology Park Münster
Wilhelm-Schickard-Strasse 5
D-48149 Münster
Tel.:+49 251 384415-12
E-Mail: contact(at)mas-tp.com

Ruhr Lab GmbH
Laboratory at KW Scholven
Glückaufstrasse 56
D-45896 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: +49-152 268 760 15
E-mail: service(at)ruhr-lab.de
Find here a list of the System Providers endorsed so far:

Pyreg GmbH
The PYREG technology carbonises your waste materials into pollutant-free, highly porous biochar (plant carbon). In contrast to rotting or incineration, the carbon contained in the residues is not released as CO2 in this process, but is stably bound in the biochar and thus removed from the atmosphere.
This makes the production of biochar one of the Negative Emission Technologies (NET) urgently needed for climate protection. Because if this biochar is permanently incorporated into so-called carbon sinks (e.g. arable land, building materials, asphalt), the sustainable storage of CO2 is successful in the long term.

SynCraft Engineering GmbH
Wood in particular plays an important role in the energy generation of tomorrow. With SynCraft's wood-fired power plants, the renewable raw material can be optimally utilised. This self-developed and patented technology generates more electricity and heat - in addition, bioenergy is the only renewable energy that can be switched on and off as needed.
Endorsed System Providers can offer several benefits and advantages for new system buyers that want to get an EBC/WBC certification or C-sinks through EBC C-Sink or Global Biochar C-Sink standards including:
- The technical pre-audit is shorter and less expensive due to:
a) A preliminary lab analysis is not needed as the system has already proved to be capable of producing biochar according to EBC and WBC.
b) The preparation of the documents by the system provider shortens the work of the future biochar producer and the system provider can support him in the process. - Methane measurements for each individual production unit are not required. The default value per system is used to calculate the methane emissions of the pyrolysis unit.
- Assurance that technology has already qualified under EBC/WBC:
a) Investors confidence in carbon revenues may increase
b) Carbon buyers may have more confidence as well
EBC or WBC Certified biochar producers can utilize Carbon Standards’ Biochar Tool to manage all aspects of production including initiating and renewing batches, managing annual sample requirements and monitoring production volumes. The Biochar Tool can also be used during the technical pre-audit to share relevant documentation related to the pre-audit and certification process.

CERES-CERT AG is the third-party auditing body for the standards owned by Carbon Standards International.
With the experience in the certification of biochar, CERES-CERT AG has the necessary expertise to certify biochar production and processing companies and to validate and verify your climate projects.
If you would like to have Carbon Standards review potential modifications or amendments to the standard, please review the following:
The section provides relevant documents related to the general procedures, complaints & approval processes, and public consultation of projects.
Please refer to our Design Manual for the correct use of the label.
Contact person
Environment and Climate Specialist
+41 (0) 62 552 10 98>

Environmental and Process Engineering Specialist
+41 (0) 62 552 10 94>