Production of biochar in Lower Income countries

Production of biochar in Lower Income countries

All over the world and for more than two thousand years, charcoal and biochar have been produced for heating, cooking or fertilizing the soil. Use the Global Artisan C-Sink Standard for the production, processing and application of biochar in agriculture in Low, Lower Middle and Higher Middle Income countries.

The Global Artisan C-Sink guarantees that the biomass feedstock in Low, Lower Middle and Higher Middle Income countries (see classification of countries here) is sustainably produced in an artisan way with Kon-Tiki type pyrolysis, thus reducing emissions in the production process of biochar. All aspects of the biochar’s quality are monitored and documented. Beside this, C-sink credits can be generated by using the biochar for agricultural purposes. This offers the possibility to sell CO2 certificates via existing trading platforms and contribute to the income of farmers.

Here you will find the current version of our standard:



Validation, verification and certification

Find here a list of endorsed C-Sink Traders. These are authorized to conduct both transfers and retirements in the Global C-Sink Registry:




Find here a list of endorsed Artisan C-Sink Managers:




Find here a list of endorsed dMRV providers for Global Artisan C-Sink:


Find here a list of the laboratories accredited so far. All accredited laboratories and subcontractors participate annually in an independent biochar ring trial organised and evaluated by DCC Delta Coal Control. It is planned to establish a European network of laboratories for plant carbon analysis that work according to the same analytical methods and regularly participate in the EBC ring test.

Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH

Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH

Freiberg Branch
Freiberg East industrial estate
Lindenstraße 11
D-09627 Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf
Phone: +49 3731 2076 - 500
Mobile: +49 172 9224436
E-mail: info_freiberg(at)

Eurofins Ökometric GmbH

Eurofins Ökometric GmbH

Bernecker Street
D-95448 Bayreuth
Tel: +49 921 72633 - 0
E-mail: rottler(at)

Ruhr Lab GmbH

Ruhr Lab GmbH

Laboratory at KW Scholven
Glückaufstrasse 56
D-45896 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: +49-152 268 760 15
E-mail: service(at)

mas | münster analytical solutions gmbh

mas | münster analytical solutions gmbh

Technology Park Münster
Wilhelm-Schickard-Strasse 5
D-48149 Münster
Phone: +49 251 384415-12
e-mail: contact(at)

Here you will find suitable training courses in our academy:

Here, you can find the scientific publications of the ithaka institute

Here you will find all updates and revisions to the standard:

Here you will find more information about our costs:

Customer benefits

Global Artisan C-Sink certification is generating additional income for farmers and creating economic incentives for the new industrial sector of agricultural climate services. Discover the multitude of opportunities and create a positive impact on the environment.

Contact person